Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Today was the day that I printed my first manuscript and it makes me a little giddy despite the cost. It cost me almost $50 to print and bind two manuscripts but it was well worth it because just looking at it you can say hey that's my novel. Now my wife gets to have a go at one of the copies with a red pen as I enter the last stages of editing and getting ready to query literary agents.

Even without the binding and adding a nice protective plastic sleeve to the front and back each copy will end up costing around $17 to print. So depending on how many agents want to see a copy of the manuscript that can get expensive in a hurry so I loving the idea of single page query letters and only having to send manuscripts to agents who are really interested in the book.

But just looking at that pretty bound manuscript you can't help but feel a sense of accomplishment.


  1. You wrote a whole book in 3 months? You are amazing. And you have a spouse who is effective with a red pen? She is amazing too!


  2. After years of putting off writing when I finally did sit down and write in earnest the story seemed to just flow from me. My wife would have to yell at me to stop writing and pay attention to her.

    It was one of the most cathartic experiences ever. I had always worried about the middle part as I had a beginning and ending and it was one of the reasons I had never started writing in earnest because I didn't know if I could fill the middle of the story.

    But once I got going the story just came to me, it felt so organic and so alive and chapters would just spring from my mind like flowers reaching for the sunlight.

    I think long walks help (although now I am screwed as Summer is here in the desert and walks aren't available tell like 8 or 9 at night so my second novel I started is at a kind of crossroads) I would go for a 40 minute walk and run chapters through my mind and then rush home to write 3000-4000 words.

  3. Well done! You should be proud.
    Holding it must feel amazing, I can't wait until I can!
