Sunday, June 7, 2009

Summers suck!

Ok I am quickly finding out the summers I hate here in the desert can also ruin my writing and schedule. I started writing Funny Ties in February and was onto the editing phase by late April early May. I would take a forty minute walk every night around 5 or 5:30 and be home by 6pm where I could dedicate an hour or two to writing before dinner.

It was perfect, it is the desert so it was never too cold 60-70 degrees and it allowed me to run chapters through my mind and when I got back from my walk I was all primed to write. The words flowed from me and it all went swimmingly. Well it's no June and that schedule simply does not work as at 5pm it is easily almost 100 degrees and not ideal for a walk. I tried to change up my schedule to make up for the summer and write around 4pm and then go for my walk closer to 7 or 8. But that left out the whole creativity process my walk allowed me.

I spent my normal hour and a half writing on Wednesday and then went for my walk and the moment I got home I had to go back to writing as I had a great idea for a chapter. So now my writing is coming in bursts, I am having to write ideas down that I had and write it the next day or taking extra time to write and it is stunting me a little. The process doesn't seem as clean and as beautiful as it did in February.

I wonder if other writers have this problem with the weather and seasons disrupting them and stunting their routines that ends up effecting their creativity.

Summers suck, too hot to begin with and now they are adding insult to injury.


  1. Summer in Utah is torture. I walk every night at sundown, helps with the whole heat situation.

  2. Yea I am having a case of writers block because of it. I haven't been able to progress much and am lucky to get a 1000 words a day right now. I am kind of stuck in the earlier part of the book right now at about 15,000 words.

  3. Why not early in the morning?

    I just hopped over from Nathan's blog 'cause you had me laughing near to death with your Twilight rants. Thanks for the uplift.

  4. Yea I need to figure something out that or abandon the project and move onto something else. I am still stuck at about 15,000 words and now idea where to take the story.
